NEWS IN BRIEF - August 4, 2017

News Archive
The following is a summary of SFAA monthly financial report for the period beginning August 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2017
To read details of the report, click on View Full Report below:
BANK BALANCE - August 1 $18,238.24
BANK BALANCE - August 31 $18,869.97
this week's roll-out:
68, 69, 71, 73

SFAA's Class Page rollout continues. The following classes have been published and are now available for viewing.
Class of '68
Class of '69
Class of '71
Class of '73
Content on each class page includes members of the class, name of the class, year graduated, and a slider deck of current and past pictures of class members. If you notice any errors or omissions, or have class information to submit, please contact

Martha Zoegan

Editus Addy
Plans for SFAA Convention 2018 are underway. Under the leadership of Martha Zoegan, President of the Philadelphia Chapter, the chapter has reserved the venues where the Welcome Party and the Convention Dinner and Ball will be held. Editus Addy, member of the chapter, reserved the venues and conducted a walk-through along with President Zoegan.
As a part of Convention 2018 festivities, the chapter is planning to host the farewell party on a river-boat cruise around the city of Philadelphia.
Stay tuned for more information on SFAA Convention 2018. We will bring you details as soon as the chapter is ready to make them public.
SUrgeries in liberia

Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Natu Youh Strathy, STC Class of '86, traveled to Liberia in June to perform reconstructive surgery on children who are severely scarred or have other facial deformities.
Dr. Strathy, a plastic surgeon, along with his wife Natu, a surgical nurse, have performed over 80 surgeries in Liberia since December 2016, free of charge. They dedicate their medical training, time, and limited resources toward healing Liberians who are in desperate need of such medical services.
Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Natu Youh Strathy were honored with a humanitarian award at SFAA's convention in May 2017.
Read more from Frontpage Africa about the Strathys' amazing charity work by clicking on the button below:
regional chapters

SFAA is in the process of establishing regional chapters. The regional chapters will comprise of the following:
o Massachusetts
o Rhode Island
o Connecticut
o New York
o New Jersey
o Pennsylvania
o Delaware·
o Michigan
o Indiana
o Illinois
o Ohio
o Minnesota
o Liberia
o Washington DC
o Maryland
o Virginia
o North Carolina
o South Carolina
o Georgia
o Texas
o Florida
o California
o Washington
o Nevada
We are seeking voulunteers to help us with this major re-organization effort. If you wish to help, please contact us at:
sfaa vacancies

SFAA currently has open positions that need to be filled:
Members of the Board
Five members representing regional chapters
Standing Committees
Appointed Committees
Regulatory Affairs
We are currently on a recruitment campaign to fill these positions. We ask that you please assist in this effort by submitting the names of interested candidates to:
Wolo and scott join
audit committeE

Alston Wolo '83 and Martin Scott '72 have joined the Audit Committee. Alston will serve as Vice President of the committee, while Martin will serve as one of its 5 members.
SFAA congratulates both alumni on their appointment and thanks them for their service.
You can view members of all Appointed Committees by clicking on the button below.

message from the president of sfaa
Greetings Saints Friskies Nation,
Monday, September 4, 2017 marked 100 days since you elected the current leadership team. When we began our term, rebuilding the organization became one of our top priorities. We have expanded the leadership team by filling all or some vacancies on the following committees: Finance, Planning, Audit, Regulatory Affairs, and Elections. We also embarked on fulfilling the agenda we set, and below is a summary of what we have accomplished so far:
Sister evelina,

Sister Evelina, Principal of St. Teresa's Convent (STC), sent a letter to SFAA confirming receipt of the $13,256.42 benefiting from the A2S program.
In the letter, she thanked the A2S sponsors for their generous contribution to the support of deserving students at STC.
Click on the button below to read the full text of the letter from Sister Evelina.
sfaa Remits US$13K to
St. Teresa Convent

Washington, DC - Saints Friskies Alumni Association (SFAA), the organization that represents graduates of St. Patrick’s High School (SPHS) and St. Teresa’s Convent (STC), is making headway with the ambitious agenda that the new leadership set since taking office in May 2017.
Earlier this year, SFAA established a program for alumni and supporters of the organization to provide financial assistance to students attending STC.
The program, called Alumni-To-Student Sponsorship Program (A2S), pairs alumni with students for assistance with tuition and supplies.
On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Saints Friskies Alumni Association remitted $13,252.46 to St. Teresa's Convent (STC), as payment for tuition and supplies for 43 students benefiting from the A2S program.
sfaa REMITS $13, 256.46 TO

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Saints Friskies Alumni Association remitted $13,252.46 to St. Teresa's Convent (STC), as payment for tuition and supplies for 43 students benefiting from the A2S program. The payment was made possible by the generous donations of alumni, family and friends who committed to sponsoring STC students for Academic Year June 2017 - September 2018.
We are eternally grateful to all who have made this program possible.
You can view documents confirming this transaction by clicking on the button below.
EC Monthly Meeting

The minutes of SFAA Executive Committee meeting held on August 31, 2017, is now available for viewing. To view the minutes, log onto the site using the username and password you created to access privileged documents.. Then navigate to the minutes by doing the following:
Click Alumni
Click SFAA Reports (Log in)
If you are member of SFAA and do not have an account, please create your account by clicking the following link:
You can also view the minutes by clicking on the button below. If you have any questions, please contact
Achievement and recognition committee formed

Stephen Koffa, '79

Martha Zoegan '86

Adele Adighibe, '81
SFAA has established a five-member Achievements and Recognitions Committee (ARC). Officers and members of the committee are Stephen Koffa, '79, Chair, Martha Zoegan, '86, Vice Chair, and Adele Adighibe, '81, Member. The organization is currently seeking members to fill the two vacancies.
The purpose of ARC is to establish guidelines for nominating, submitting and approving candidates for recognition and award. The committee will also serve as the body that review and approves all submissions..
The committee's term will coincide with the current administration, and new members will be elected every 3 years.
1. SFAA National President
2. Convention Host Chapter President
3. Member of SFAA
4. Member of SFAA
5. Member of SFAA
At every convention, we want to recognize those who make extraordinary contributions in helping us achieve our goals. Details on the recognition and award process will be announced in the coming weeks.
finance committee welcomes final 2 members

The Finance Committee recently added it's final 2 members. Jackie Wolo '83 and Gerald Doe '86 will serve as committee members charged with assisting in carrying out the fiduciary responsibilities of the organization.
SFAA congratulates both alumni on their appointment and thanks them for their service.
You can view members of all Standing Committees by clicking on the button below.

SFAA extends sincere congratulations to Mayor-Elect Wilmot Collins, and his wife Magdalene Saab Collins.
On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, Wilmot made history with his election as Mayor of Helena, Montana. The Mayor-Elect's remarkable story, from refugee to Mayor, cannot be told without deference to his wife Magdalene, who is a proud member of the Friskies Class of 84.
Click on the link below to read the couple's story of triumph - from refuge to city hall.
BrotheR edward: 56 Years
as brother of holy cross

A native of Norwood, Ohio, Brother Edward Foken sings the praises of Cincinnati's Purcell High School. At Purcell he excelled in football and credits the sport for allowing him to train, work with groups, and develop physical skills; all which would serve him well in his ministries. In 2008, he was one of those nominated for the Purcell High School's "Outstanding Among All" Award.
Holy Cross had an "uncle's influence" (the late Brother Walter Foken) when it came to directing Edward to join Holy Cross. Brother Edward credits Brother Walter for being on of the great influences in his life
BrotheR donald: 66 Years
as brother of holy cross

Brother Donald was one of seven children born to Alfred and Cecilia Allen March 22, 1926, in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Catholic elementary schools in Chicago and Winnetka, Illinois and graduated from ST. Joseph Grammar School in Wilmette, Illinois.
At New Trier High School in Winnetka he was more interested in sports than academics and decided to join the Navy before his graduation in March of 1944. Most of his time in the Navy was in the South Pacific where he served as an aviation machinist mate. He took advantage of the GI Bill to attend Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, with a minor statistics.
BrotheR James: 56 Years As
brother of holy cross

James Edward Francis Kozak was born on May 19, 1942, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Edward and Mary Kozak. He grew up on a farm outside of Grand Rapids and it was here that his love of nature was first nurtured.
James attended St. Thomas the Apostle School and Catholic Central High School, both in Grand Rapids. He is eternally grateful for the sound Catholic education he received from the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids.
Brother Jim (as he's commonly known) entered the Brothers of Holy Cross after graduation from high
BrotheR Thomas: 66 Years
as brother of holy cross

At age 22, I had completed three years of university studies in Engineering, and had a reasonable social life. I happened to read Thomas Merton's Seven Story Mountain. Suffice to say, this served as a significant turning point in my life, and in January, 1950 I entered the postulate at Watertown, Wisconsin.
I entered the novitiate in August, 1950, at Rolling Prairie, Indiana. It is only in retrospect I realize how austere our novitiate program was as compared to today's standards.
I studied at St. Edward's University and continued there in General Engineering studies toward that degree.
the late BrotheR william: 56 Years As
brother of holy cross

William was born in Detroit and entered the Brothers in Watertown in 1939. After his novitiate year he worked as a cook, first at Sacred Heart Juniorate, then at the Generalate in Washington, D.C. and at St. Joseph's Center in Valatie. His business skills came into play when he was assigned to the publication staff at Ave Maria Press to serve as a canvasser for 2 years.
In 1950, he joined the faculty of Boysville and served in a variety of roles for 19 years. He is probably best remembered at the school for his efforts in developing athletic programs. As Athletic Director, his football, basketball, baseball and track teams won 13 championships. In 1969, William was able to fulfill one of his dreams of going to the missions.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is featured here with Sister Evelina, Principal of STC,and students of the senior class. This picture was taken during President Sirleaf's visit to STC on December 6, 2017.