St. Patrick's High School Endowment Fund
About The Fund
The St. Patrick's High School Endowment Fund (“SPEF”) was established in July, 2010 to solicit gifts, contributions, donations, and other support for the purpose of reopening St. Patrick’s High School and contributing to its upkeep once it becomes operational. It is an IRS approved non-profit organization and contributions are exempt from income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the internal revenue code.
Who Founded the Fund
A group of dedicated and forward-thinking alumni under the very capable leadership of our late first Chairperson, Doeba Bropleh, created SPEF as a secure vehicle through which friends, supporters and other like-minded alumni of the school could make donations. We are a very transparent organization that adheres to strict financial and operational regulations, checks, balances and administrative policies.
The Late Doeba Patrick Bropleh

Founding Member & 1st Chairman
SPEF Business
St. Patrick’s High School was a secondary day school in Liberia that was forced to shut down during the Liberian civil conflicts in the mid 90’s. Prior to its closure, it was among the preeminent high schools in the country. With the war now over and the Country on a path to rebuilding, the need for quality education is even more critical to the Country’s development and progress.
SPEF exists to help enable the reestablishment of this once great school so younger generations of Liberians can have similar opportunities like generations before them. This is our raison d'etre!
Victor Abraham - Class of '89
Doeba Bropleh - Class of '84++
Lionel Brown - Class of '83
Dr. Michel Dioubate, MD - Class of '83
Samuel Glover - Class of '80
Niahson Porte - Class of '85
Kassa Pratt - Class of '78
Dr. Thomas Sleweon, MD - Class of '78
Kpadi Williams - Class of '73
Evans Yancy - Class of '73
Endowment Goal:
Amount Raised To Date:
Thomas Sleweon, MD
Lionel Brown
Michel Dioubate, MD
Sam Glover
Healix Practice Simplicity
Kpadi Williams
Kassa Pratt
Evans Yancy
Victor Abraham
Lami & Jestina Mason
Infectious Disease Specialists P.C.
Doeba Bropleh
Healix Infusion Therapy
Leslie Williams, MD
Williette Baker (Blossom)
Quallyna Porte
Charles Cooper
Patrick Wreh
SPHS Class of 84
Tarloh Sayeh-Brathwaite
Ralph Villaran, MD
Momo & Vanilla Wolapaye
Sandy W. Yancy
Alvin N. Blake
Michael Linton, MD
Bernadette Aghaji, MD
Heart center of Lake County
Joyetta Satiah
Kupusamy A. Umapathy
Linda Stewart, MD
Dalal Medical Corp
Douge Barthelemy, MD
Daniel Saah
Alston Wolo
Paul C. Okolocha
David E. Ross, Trustee
Great Lakes Pulmonary
Dr. Charles Okoro
Tom Gryzbek
Respiratory Sleep Associates, P.C.
Gerald Doe
Michael Azodo
Newtown Obstetrics & Gynecology, LLC
Luis Carrasco
Greg Sparrow