after 100 days...

Launched Alumni-to-Student Sponsorship Program (A2S)
46 sponsorship commitments to date
Sponsorship commitments to date worth $21,360.53
On-going sponsorship recruitment
Published all information related to A2S on SFAA's website
Established partnership with STC to implement A2S
Publish monthly financial reports
Conduct monthly Executive Committee meeting
Conduct monthly Standing and Appointed Committees meeting
Publish weekly news update
Publish minutes from monthly meetings
Regularly update website
Established a culture of transparency and accountability
Established bereavement courtesy guidelines (to be published soon)
Philadelphia Chapter re-activated (host of Convention 2018)
Houston Chapter re-activation in progress
Liberia Chapter re-activation in progress
Actively seeking alternative source of funding to finance some projects
Attended training on Introduction to Finding Grants
Working on strategy for finding grants
Conducting research on foundations that engage in charity funding
Working with consultant on writing grant proposals
Continuously updating digital publication of SFAA's news and information
5,633 unique visitors to date
24,907 page visits to date
Added class page feature
Added pictorial history of STC and SPHS
Added weekly news-in-brief feature
Regularly update Back In Da Day feature
Launched commemorative page to remember deceased alumni
Established community partnership with the following organizations:
Liberia Medical Relief
Ricks Institute Alumni Association
Liberian Community Association WDC
Change Agent Network Africa, Inc.
B. W. Harris Episcopal School Alumni Association-USA, Inc.
Because of our Alumni Engagement Initiative, we have 4 decades of Saints Friskies from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's engaged with the organization. Alumni sent us pictures, compliments, comments, suggestions, information, criticisms, questions and more. We embrace and appreciate this level of engagement. We have reached out to Friskies from year 2000 and beyond, and our hope is that they will become just as engaged as Saints Friskies from the previous 4 decades.
What we have done would not have been possible without your support and participation. For that, we are eternally grateful. But our work is not done. We plan to meet with the Catholic Education Secretariat to open discussions about the rebuilding and reopening of St. Patrick's High School (SPHS). We will continue our recruitment campaign to sign-up as many sponsors as possible to support the girls of St. Teresa's Convent (STC). We are also exploring plans to start a nutrition program, teachers training workshop, and provide some financial assistance for staff and teachers at STC. And that's not all. We are exploring alternative sources of funding to help finance educational support services at STC and the rebuilding of SPHS.
Let me remind you that our agenda is ambitious, but our spirit hopeful. We will deploy every available resource to achieve our goals. Ours is a worthy venture.
Thank you for your support and participation.
Stephen Jaitoh Koffa, Jr.
National President - Class of '79
Saints Friskies Alumni Association
Email: sfaa@stcsphs.org
Website: stcsphs.org
September 17, 2017
Greetings Saints Friskies Nation,
Monday, September 4, 2017 marked 100 days since you elected the current leadership team. When we began our term, rebuilding the organization became one of our top priorities. We have expanded the leadership team by filling all or some vacancies on the following committees: Finance, Planning, Audit, Regulatory Affairs, and Elections. We also embarked on fulfilling the agenda we set, and below is a summary of what we have accomplished so far: